All Result
Notice Date | Title | Downloads |
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Important Notice for Scouts & Guides Quota Examination against Employment Notice No. S&GQ 2024-25 |
29-Jun-2024 |
Provisional Panel of Recruitment against Scouts & Guides Quota 2023-24 through Open Advertisement in Level-2, Grade Pay Rs.-/1900 against Employment Notice No. S&GQ 2023-24 |
29-Jun-2024 |
Provisional Panel of Recruitment against Scouts & Guides Quota 2023-24 through Open Advertisement in Level-1, Grade Pay Rs.-/1800 against Employment Notice No. S&GQ 2023-24 |
29-Jun-2024 |
Important Notice for Result of Recruitment of sportsperson against Employment Notice No- SQ 2023-24 |
25-Jun-2024 |
Important Notice for Result of Written Examination Recruitment in Level - 2, against Scout & Guide Quota 2023-24 |
24-Jun-2024 |
Important Notice for Result of Written Examination Recruitment in Level - 1, against Scout & Guide Quota 2023-24 |
19-Jun-2024 |
Provisional Panel of Recruitment against Cultural Quota 2023-24 through Open Advertisement in Level-2, Grade Pay Rs.-/1900 against Employment Notice No. CQ 2023-24 |
11-Mar-2024 |
Important Notice for Result of Written Examination Recruitment in Level - 2, against Cultural Quota 2023-24 |
28-Jun-2023 |
Provisional Panel of Recruitment against Scouts & Guides Quota 2022-23 through Open Advertisement in Level-2, Grade Pay Rs.-/1900 against Employment Notice No. S&GQ 2022-23 |
19-Jun-2023 |
Important Notice: Recruitment in Level-2 against Scouts & Guides quota 2022-23 Result of Written Exam held on 21.03.2023. |
08-Jun-2023 |
Provisional Panel Against JTA Notification no.- NCR/HQ/CONSTRUCTION/01/2023 |
08-Jun-2023 |
Provisional Panel of Recruitment against Scouts & Guides Quota 2022-23 through Open Advertisement in Level-1, Grade Pay Rs.-/1800 against Employment Notice No. S&GQ 2022-23 |
28-Apr-2023 |
03-Feb-2023 |
Result of ACT Apprentice Zonal Notice Number RRC / NCR /01 / 2022 |
12-May-2022 |
Important Notice regarding the panel for appointment against Notification No. NCR/HQ/CONSTRUCTION/01/2022 for Junior Technical Associates (JTA) works on contract basis (purely temporary) |
30-Apr-2022 |
Important Notice against CEN No. 02/2018 for Seventh Document Verification & Medical Examination |
30-Apr-2022 |
Download Call Letter against Notification No. NCR/HQ/CONSTRUCTION/01/2022 for Junior Technical Associates (JTA) works on contract basis (purely temporary) - conduct of document verification to be held on 04/05/2022 |
26-Apr-2022 |
Important Notice against Notification No. NCR/HQ/CONSTRUCTION/01/2022 Junior Technical Associates (JTA) Works for Document Verification & Medical Examination |
28-Oct-2021 |
Provisional Panel Part-7 for the post of Level-1 (7th CPC) Against CEN No. 02/2018 |
04-Sep-2021 |
Important Notice against GDCE 01/2019 CBT-Typing Test result of Category No. 04 & 07 Document Verification of eligible candidates to be held on 07/09/2021 |
03-Sep-2021 |
Important Notice against GDCE 01/2019 CBT-Physo Test result of Category No. 01 & 03 Document Verification of eligible candidates to be held on 06/09/2021 |
31-Aug-2021 |
Important Notice against GDCE 01/2019 CBT examination result of Category No. 11,12,13 & 14 Document Verification of eligible candidates to be held on 02/09/2021 |
21-Aug-2021 |
Result of GDCE under Notification No. 01/2019 |
18-Jun-2021 |
Provisional Panel Part-6 for the post of Level-1 (7th CPC) Against CEN No. 02/2018 |
15-Apr-2021 |
Provisional Panel Part-5 for the post of Level-1 (7th CPC) Against CEN No. 02/2018 |
05-Mar-2021 |
Important Notice: against CEN No. 02/2018 for Third Document Verification & Medical Examination |
16-Feb-2021 |
Important Notice: List of Calling Candidates for Medical Examination on dated 24.02.2021 against CEN No. 02/2018 for the post of Level-1 |
29-Jan-2021 |
Important Notice: Regarding the re-medical result of the candidates who have not been allotted posts due to the lower category medical for the post of Level-1 against CEN No. 02/2018 |
16-Jan-2021 |
Important Notice: List of Calling Candidates for Medical Examination on dated 22.01.2021 against CEN No. 02/2018 for the post of Level-1 |
11-Nov-2020 |
Important Notice: Absent in first chance DV on 27.02.2020 for PwBD candidates against CEN No. 02/2018 |
14-Oct-2020 |
Important Notice: Re-Verification against CEN No. 02/2018 for the post of Level-1 |
24-Sep-2020 |
Important Notice: Result of Recruitment against Cultural Quota -2019-20 through open advertisement in Level 2/3, Grade Pay Rs. 1900/2000 against Employment Notice No CQ-2019-20 dated 27.07.2019. |
03-Sep-2020 |
Important Notice: Recruitment in Level-2/3, against Cultural Quota 2019-20- Result of Written Exam held on 01.03.2020 Called for Practical Demonstration Test |
02-Sep-2020 |
Important Notice: Result of Recruitment against Scouts & Guides Quota 2019-20 through Open Advertisement in Level-1, Grade Pay Rs.-/1800 against Employment Notice No. S&GQ 2019-20 dated 27.07.2019 |
02-Sep-2020 |
Important Notice: Result of Recruitment against Scouts & Guides Quota 2019-20 through Open Advertisement in Level-2, Grade Pay Rs.-/1900 against Employment Notice No. S&GQ 2019-20 dated 27.07.2019 |
13-Aug-2020 |
Important Notice: Recruitment in Level-1 against Scouts & Guides quota 2019-20 Result of Written Exam held on 01.03.2020 Called for Document Verification |
13-Aug-2020 |
Important Notice: Recruitment in Level-2 against Scouts & Guides quota 2019-20 Result of Written Exam held on 01.03.2020 Called for Document Verification |
16-Jul-2020 |
Important Notice: CEN NO. 02/2018:- Updated status of the candidates, who were pending under verification & examination. उम्मीदवारों की अद्यतन स्थिति, जो सत्यापन और परीक्षण के तहत लंबित थे Candidates to be check updated status in below link. |
03-Jul-2020 |
Important Notice: CEN NO. 02/2018:- List of the candidates for the Remedical on the basis of their appeal as per Notice dated 07.11.2019 to review their medical category at SDH/CNB. |
24-Jun-2020 |
Notice : Review/Appeal of Medical Fitness of Non Empanelled Candidates against CEN No. 02/2018 |
29-May-2020 |
Important Notice/Result for Provisional Panel Part-4 for the empanelment on the published posts of Level-1 (7th Central Pay Commission) against Centralized Employment Notice No. 02/2018 |
23-Apr-2020 |
Important Notice for Result of Recruitment of sportsperson against Employment Notice No- SQ 2019-20 |
20-Mar-2020 |
Important Notice for Recruitment in Level-1 and Level-2, against Scouts & Guides Quota 2019-20 |
20-Mar-2020 |
Important Notice for Recruitment in Level - 2/3, against Cultural Quota 2019-20 |
20-Mar-2020 |
Important Notice for Result of Written Examination Recruitment in Level-1, against Scouts & Guides Quota 2019-20 Important Notice for Result of Written Examination Recruitment in Level-2, against Scouts & Guides Quota 2019-20 |
18-Mar-2020 |
Important Notice for Result of Written Examination Recruitment in Level - 2/3, against Cultural Quota 2019-20 |
28-Feb-2020 |
Important Notice for Scouts & Guides Quota against Employment Notice No. S&GQ 2019-2 |
10-Feb-2020 |
Special Recruitment Drive for Persons with Disabilities for erstwhile Group D posts against Centralised Employment Notice No. 01/2015 |
10-Feb-2020 |
Important Notice for Document Verification of VI, LD & MD candidates against CEN No. 02/2018 |
15-Jan-2020 |
Important Notice call for medical examination on 03.02.2020 |
10-Jan-2020 |
Important Notice against CEN No. 02/2018 for second Document Verification & Medical Examination |
Click here for Cut off Normalised Marks of the candidates called for second Document Verification |
03-Dec-2019 |
Important notice for absent in second dv for PwBD candidates against CEN No. 02/2018 |
30-Nov-2019 |
Provisional Panel Part-3 for the empanelment on the published posts of Level-1 (7th Central Pay Commission) against Centralized Employment Notice No. 02/2018 |
14-Nov-2019 |
Important Notice for candidates declared fit in medical category B2, & Below against CEN02/2018 |
11-Nov-2019 |
Important notice regarding second document verification for PwBD candidates against CEN NO. 02/2018 |
08-Nov-2019 |
Notice: Cut off marks of PwBD candidates against CEN NO. 02/2018 |
08-Nov-2019 |
Notice: List of Calling candidates for Medical examination on dated 14.11.2019 against CEN NO. 02/2018 as per DV |
25-Oct-2019 |
Provisional Panel Part-2 for the empanelment on the published posts of Level-1 (7th Central Pay Commission) against Centralized Employment Notice No. 02/2018 |
12-Sep-2019 |
Important notice regarding calling candidates for their re-document verification on dated 17-09-2019, 18-09-2019 and 19-09-2019 against CEN-02/2018 |
07-Sep-2019 |
Notice : Review/Appeal of Medical Fitness of Non Empanelled Candidates against CEN No. 02/2018 |
02-Sep-2019 |
Important Notice for successful candidates of CEN-02/2018 of ALLAHABAD Division |
31-Aug-2019 |
Corrigendum No. 1 with reference to Provisional Panel Part-1 against Centralized Employment Notice no. 02/2018 Dated 18.07.2019 |
14-Aug-2019 |
Important Notice for successful candidates of CEN-02/2018 of AGRA Division |
14-Aug-2019 |
Important Notice for successful candidates of CEN-02/2018 of JHANSI Division |
13-Aug-2019 |
18-Jul-2019 |
Provisional Panel Part-1 for the empanelment against the published posts of Level-1 (7th Central Pay Commission) against Centralized Employment Notice No. 02/2018 |
25-Apr-2019 |
केन्द्रीकृत रोजगार सूचना सं0 02/2018 के अंतर्गत दस्तावेज सत्यापन एवं चिकित्सा परीक्षण के संबंध में सूचना |
21-Apr-2019 |
Shortlisted persons with benchmark disability (PwBD) candidates called for document verification against CEN 02/2018 |
21-Apr-2019 |
PET qualified candidates for document verification (DV) and medical examination against CEN 02/2018 |
17-Apr-2019 |
Click here to view Cut-Off marks of short listed candidates for DV |
17-Apr-2019 |
Click here to check status of PET qualified candidates for document verification (DV) and medical examination against CEN 02/2018 |
16-Apr-2019 |
02-Feb-2018 |